Don’t Underestimate the Power of Branding

October 11, 2014

Brands give consumers familiarity and comfort. They lend reassurance and a kind of guarantee that allows people to place faith in their purchases. When shopping around at the grocery store or even making dining choices at a restaurant, consumers like to look for brands they’ve come to love.For example, guests at a restaurant might already expect to order a Coke or a Sprite beverage to go with their meal. Even further, many consumers opt to patronize certain restaurants they feel have a great reputation, either from their own personal experience or simply from the branding efforts put forth by the company.Think about brands such as Starbucks, McDonald’s and KFC which spread their reach on a global, massive scale. Many consumers come to instantly recognize and place trust in these brands.How can your restaurant increase your branding? Here are some conventional and unconventional ways:• Offer great exceptional guest service. Train your staff to treat your customers right and give them an incredible experience each time they visit your restaurant.• Actively engage your target audiences on social media. Post photos, specials, and chat with your customers. Let them see the human face behind the business.• Run or sponsor a charity drive in your community.• Build a loyalty program that rewards guests with freebies and discounts for frequent visits and referrals.• Get unique and creative with your packaging – make it a conversation piece!Do you need assistance with your restaurant’s branding? Contact Synergy for more information.

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