How Can Your Restaurant Target the Millennial Crowd?

November 16, 2014

Millennials, those aged at approximately 18-34 years old, are the largest generation in American history. They’re confident, tech-savvy, connected, choosy, adventurous and their impact on the economy is of utmost significance. By 2017, this age group is predicted to spend $200 billion annuallyaccording to Advertising Age!Consumer market research group, NPD Group, reports that Millennials continue to be “heavy users of restaurants.” NPD further notes that Millennials made over 14 billion visits to restaurants in the year ending June 2014. It’s no surprise that this segment is highly influential. If you’re a restaurant operator, it’s time to start paying attention to this all-important crowd. But you can’t expect to grab this group’s attention by merely tapping into social media, as QSR Magazine notes in this article.Also known as “Generation Now,” “Generation Y” and “Generation We,” this diverse consumer base takes into account many factors when making a purchasing decision, from trusting recommendations from friends, to seeking unique dining experiences. So as a restaurant, what can you do to draw them in? The National Restaurant Association explores some ways to connect to this group in order to help restaurants expand their Millennial customer base in this informative piece, “Generation Now: Marketing to your Millennial audience.” Also be sure to read FSR Magazine’s, “What Millennials Want,” for more great tips.

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