Lean Clean Menu Series: 5 Superfoods You’re Already Serving At Your Restaurant

May 18, 2013

Interest in so-called “superfoods” has gained major traction in the last decade. Superfoods are defined as foods that are nutrient dense despite being relatively calorie sparse. Outlets for this family of foods have reached beyond specialty health food stores and into mass-market grocers. As consumers become more health-conscious and also more willing to explore the arena of new foods with “super” benefits, the demand for menus that include superfoods is also growing.Despite the stigma, superfoods are actually much more approachable than they are generally regarded. In fact, there’s a high chance you’re already serving some (or all) of the superfoods below!

  • Berries: blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries are all packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Expand their utility beyond dessert by adding them to salads, turning them into a glaze for lean meats, and making berry-based smoothies.
  • Oats: whole oats are a rich source of soluble fiber, B vitamins, and important minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. Make them your go-to as toppings for desserts or grind them into flour to layer with regular all-purpose.
  • Oily fish: fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and selenium. Keep fish interesting with a variety of different marinades that can incorporate this great protein into any cuisine.
  • Legumes: peas, beans, and lentils pack a punch of protein, soluble fiber, B vitamins, and iron. These can serve as an easy way to provide vegetarian options in addition to adding nutrients to any side or main dish.
  • Leafy green vegetables: the darker greens, such as kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, command higher levels of important nutrients such as vitamin C, folate, and sulforaphane. Mellow the intense flavors of these vegetables by incorporating them with other fruits and vegetables or blanching them lightly before using them in the final preparation for a dish.

The next step is to make it be known that you’re serving these ingredients that are both delicious and nutritious! Highlight popular dishes that include these superfoods on your menu, offer new varieties as specials, and have your waitstaff suggest them as options. Keep track of how these new changes are received at your restaurant and you’ll most likely be surprised at how positive the feedback will be! If you need want additional guidance on best practices to a healthier menu, please contact Synergy Restaurant Consultants.

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