New diet guidelines released: Will your restaurant follow suit?

February 6, 2011

The statistics are staggering -- more than one-third of children and two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. With typical diets loaded with sugar, saturated fats and countless of calories, it is no surprise that without intervention, the statistics will only increase and our nation will be even more at risk for ailments like diabetes and heart disease.As a result, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced the release of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, aimed to promote healthy eating habits that can decrease risks associated with obesity.

So what are some of the recommendations? A little common sense with the following recommendations can assist in transforming your eating habits:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables (especially dark green vegetables)
  • Avoid sugary drinks - try water instead
  • Read nutrition labels! Avoid high in sodium foods
  • Stay away from oversized portions
  • Drink low-fat or skim milk

See the official press release for full guidelines.Even restaurants are taking charge and changing their menus to include healthy items. Furthermore, federal mandates for restaurants to post nutritional information has encouraged restaurants to re-think the foods they offer to their customers. This includes anything from offering fruit as a side dish for kids' meals, fries seasoned with sea salt, or serving oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. The bottom line is that nutrition is key for living a healthy life. Consumers are finally realizing this importance and restaurants need to take notice! If you own a restaurant, the Synergy consulting team can offer a free consultation for menu development and nutritional labeling.

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