These are the best two target markets for Quick Serves

August 23, 2022

[activecampaign form=17]Quick service restaurants seem to appeal to a variety of target markets but there are two specific demographic groups that seem the most valuable to these types of foodservice establishments: mom and Millennials.What or who are the “Millennials?” Generally speaking, Millennials are the group of individuals born in the 80’s and 90’s. This group of people account for 80 million of our population.So what makes them so important to the quick serve industry? Since they don’t cook much, on average, Millennials visit fast food restaurants 12 times or more each month. They spend their income more on food than any other age generation.This fact alone will not mean droves of them will be flocking to your restaurant. They are a very unique group who are ethnically diverse and expect creativity and innovation in a restaurant. They like novel and unusual items and ingredients. Additionally, they expect being listened to– in this respect, social media engagement is a must. Millennials expect to be valued.Moms – the other huge target market—are looking for value, convenience, and health. There at 32 million moms in the U.S. and they are the primary decision maker when it comes to food. Aside from speed of service, health and value, moms value purchasing products that support a cause. Like Millennials, moms like to be socially engaged through the Internet via mobile devices – another reason why a social networking strategy should be in place for any quick serve restaurant.Read more about these two target markets here.

Is Your Restaurant Set up for Quick Service?

So are you tapping into this market? Do you have a strategy in place to service these moms and Millennials? Is your restaurant set up to be discovered on Google Maps, Foursquare, and other search apps? Both of these target markets primarily use their cell phone to find fast service on the go. In order to provide this service, do you have dedicated systems and service stations set up within your restaurant(s)? If you’d like professional assistance with this, please contact Synergy.

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