Wet Floor Safety at your Restaurants

June 19, 2010

Wet Floors in Restaurants: How Wet is Too Wet?

According to a major insurance carrier 65% of all lost employee work days are due to slip-and-fall injuries. Of injuries our guests sustain, those who fall, sometimes on a liquid spill no larger than the size of a coin, account for 57% of liability claims.

  1. Insist on every employee, including managers, wearing approved safety shoes such as “Shoes for Crews”
  2. Train employees to clean up all spills immediately.
  3. Pay attention to areas around entry/exit doors, bus stations, salad bars, self-service beverage towers and refuse containers.
  4. If someone falls, make an immediate record of all details to provide to your insurance carrier.
  5. When building or remodeling, consider slip-resistant surfaces.
  6. See your trouble spots by mapping date, time and location of every slip-and-fall.
  7. Use slip-and-fall prevention, and other safety topics, as part of your shift “cast calls.”
  8. Inspect what you expect.

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